Text (in English) below the video (in Dutch):
To change your bid72 subscription from monthly to yearly:
- First, cancel your current subscription in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store (see below).
- Open the bid72 app, click ‘settings’, then ‘subscription’, then ‘1 year subscription’, finally ‘purchase’.
To cancel your subscription – Android:
- Go to the Google Play Store.
- Open the hamburger menu (three horizontal bars) in the top left of the screen.
- Go to ‘subscriptions’/’abonnementen’.
- Scroll down to bid72, select it and click ‘Cancel subscription’/‘Abonnement opzeggen’.
To cancel your subscription – Apple:
- Click ‘settings’/‘instellingen’ for your device (not in the bid72 app).
- Click on your name, then ‘Subscriptions’/‘Abonnementen’.
- Should you not get this latter option, click ‘iTunes Store and App Store’, click your Apple ID, then ‘show Apple ID’, log in and select ‘Subscriptions’/‘Abonnementen’.
- Scroll down to bid72, select it and click ‘Cancel’/‘Annuleer’.
Cancelations should be made at least 24 hours before your subscription ends. Payments and cancelations run via Google and Apple; Bridge72 (bid72) is not responsible for handling them. If bid72 is not visible under your subscriptions, it has already been canceled.